Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Article Blog

My position on big box stores is that I am for them. I feel that big box stores are an inevitable transition that America will face at one time or another. Although I do believe that there are many problems with big box stores i strongly believe in Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism, which is the fittest survive, is what America and this world have lived by. So why stop now?

An article to help my position is an article from the National Post. The article is called "Recovery latest hurdle for Wal-Mart; Fickle Shoppers" by Denis Dyomkin. In this article Dyomkin explains how Wal-Mart will help the recovery of America's economic troubles. Dyomkin also uses many different financial experts to help back his claim. One expert, Bill Smead, quotes, "The market share that they grabbed in this consumer recession can translate into more sales growth and higher-margin product sales when consumer confidence does come back and the economy improves". Overall i will use this article to help back my position for big box stores.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The High Cost Of Low Prices Critique Blog

The film The High Cost Of Low Prices has one main goal. That goal is to exploit the truth of Wal-Mart. The main message that is being put out in this film is that Wal-Mart is bad, is a monopoly, destroys towns, takes away from tax payers, unethical, and participates in illegal activities. This message was put out clearly and emotionally. The film expresses this message by showing personal views, images, and statistics about how horrible Wal-Mart is. The film delivers main points through former Wal-Mart employees, sweatshop employees, and small town store owners which creates the film's sources reliable and believable. With all this information i was convinced with only a couple points.

The main points that i found convincing were Wal-Mart is unethical and Wal-Mart takes money away from taxpayers. Wal-Mart being unethical was convincing to me because of how the film clearly shows that Wal-Mart does support ethical morals like it should. Wal-Mart taking money away from taxpayers was convincing to me by how the film provided specific details about how Wal-Mart encourages their employees to receive health care through the government.

I did not find the other main points convincing because of how the film does not exploit any other big-box stores such as Target, K-Mart, or even Best Buy. The film touches these big-box stores only slightly. This gives the effect that Wal-Mart is becoming a monopoly. However Wal-Mart cannot become a monopoly because of those other big-box stores and also because Wal-Mart cannot sell everything.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blog2: What Makes A Good Public Space?

What makes a good public space are the necessities combined with entertainment. These necessities are anywhere from restrooms, trash cans, tables and chairs, security, parking, and a sense of welcome. Necessities are vital for public spaces because it is what creates a public space public. Without the fundamentals of these necessities the space would fail as a good public space. Entertainment is also another important generality because of how it is what draws people toward the space. Entertainment can be anywhere from movies, open park, shopping stores, restaurants, music, sports, and much more.

For a public space to be able to function it must have an openness welcome feeling. A good public space accomplishes this by adding items that provide the public a sense of welcome and happiness. Some of these items are trees, plants, fountains, fish, lights, or even music. With all these items people feel welcomed to the space and not as if they should not be there. Another important part of a public space is security. Security is important because people should feel safe while at a public space. A good public space provides good security by supplying security guards. Security balances with openness by having the security guards also giving off a welcome feeling. This is done by the way security guards present themselves.

Today society marks off a public space by how good it accomplishes by being a public space. People return to public spaces because they have fun and are drawn back to it. If i am with my friends we will always typically hang out at places where we have heard or been too that generates a good time. Some preventions that make people not drawn back to a public space would be a lack of the necessities, entertainment, and the balance between security and openness. Without one or more of these important fundamentals of a good public space the public space is not a good one.

Security guards wear suits that give off a welcome feeling