Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The High Cost Of Low Prices Critique Blog

The film The High Cost Of Low Prices has one main goal. That goal is to exploit the truth of Wal-Mart. The main message that is being put out in this film is that Wal-Mart is bad, is a monopoly, destroys towns, takes away from tax payers, unethical, and participates in illegal activities. This message was put out clearly and emotionally. The film expresses this message by showing personal views, images, and statistics about how horrible Wal-Mart is. The film delivers main points through former Wal-Mart employees, sweatshop employees, and small town store owners which creates the film's sources reliable and believable. With all this information i was convinced with only a couple points.

The main points that i found convincing were Wal-Mart is unethical and Wal-Mart takes money away from taxpayers. Wal-Mart being unethical was convincing to me because of how the film clearly shows that Wal-Mart does support ethical morals like it should. Wal-Mart taking money away from taxpayers was convincing to me by how the film provided specific details about how Wal-Mart encourages their employees to receive health care through the government.

I did not find the other main points convincing because of how the film does not exploit any other big-box stores such as Target, K-Mart, or even Best Buy. The film touches these big-box stores only slightly. This gives the effect that Wal-Mart is becoming a monopoly. However Wal-Mart cannot become a monopoly because of those other big-box stores and also because Wal-Mart cannot sell everything.


  1. I like your discussion on Wal-Mart being unethical and taking money away from taxpayers. I used some of this information in my blog as well and I like how you explained these issues simply. I also agree with your opinion of Wal-Mart becoming a monopoly. Nicely done!

  2. I swear man you post a insanely large blog every time. Your making me look bad!! Ha ha. Well anyways, I agree that it is unethical for the people of America to be pushed around and betrayed by companys like this. For one, It saddens me how they exploit tax payers and the general public with their commercials on how everything is so perfect yet it isn't. I also agree to disagree that how Walmart makes people use the governments health care and pay more money so Walmart doesn't have to use their profits on their hard working employees. Good job.
